Only selected plugins are used to provide the following functions. Not all plugins are listed here, as some are also used for administration and moderation.


Backpacks were made available to us before the 02/24 update. Will be deactivated in March 2024. These could always be selected via the HUD.


This can be used to set that all building blocks are automatically upgraded to a specific material when they are placed. Usage: /bgrade [0,1,2,3,4] 0 to disable, 1 = wood, 2 = stone, 3 = metal, 4 = armoured

Blueprint Manager

All recipes from the first workbench are unlocked right from the start. To make things a little easier.

Building Grades

This allows entire buildings or parts of buildings to be raised to a certain grade.

/up [grade] [filter] or /up [filter] -- Upgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade. e.g. /up , /up 2, /up 1 wall, /up wall

/down [grade] [filter] or /down [filter] -- Downgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade. e.g. /down, /down 1, /down 1 wall, /down wall

/up and /down: Upgrade/Downgrade an entire building (won't upgrade buildings that are close to eachother) (VERY fast even on big buildings) .

/upall and /downall: Upgrade/Downgrade everything that touchs each other starting where you are looking at (will upgrade/downgrade multiple buildings if they are too close to each other) (might be slow for big buildings)

Building Workbench

The workbenches extend to the range of the TC.


Clan plugin, actually self-explanatory. /clan for the commands.

Crafting Controller

The duration of crafting has been reduced by 50%.

Fuel Gauge

Provides an indication of remaining fuel in each vehicle. So that you don't suddenly crash with the helicopter.

Furnace Splitter

Distributes the resources in the ovens evenly and also adjusts the amount of fuel.


Informs about actions in the game world. For example, events such as airdrops.


Provides a starter kit. Use /kit starter

Loot Bouncer

Destroys containers that have only been partially looted. So that new ones are quickly generated by the game.# Night Zombies

Prevent Looting

Create some zombies at night that wander around and haunt you.

Quick Sort

Quick Sort adds a new GUI menu when looting containers and players. Players can choose what type of items they want to put in the container, or even loot all items from the container. Also supports automated looting containers that isn't accepting players items.

Raidable Bases

Makes so-called NPC bases appear in several places in the world. These can be raided alone or as a team.

Remover Tool

You can use /remove to remove all your own objects.

Sort Button

A simple button in boxes to automatically sort the contents. Very useful for keeping things tidy.

Stack Modifier

We have massively increased the stack sizes of some consumables.

Vehicle Decay Protection

Prevent your vehicles or animals from disappearing inside buildings or near your TC.

Vehicle Deployed Locks

Codelocks or normal locks can be attached to vehicles and animals by right-clicking on them.

Vending in Stock

Vending machines should never run out of supplies.